Monday, 29 April 2013
Daily Deviation Attained!
Woke up to find that I'd been given the honour of a Daily Deviation on Deviantart. A community I have frequented for years but never truly embraced to its' full potential until this year, and it is great to see that attitude reflected back. Thanks so much to annelienvdb for recommending, and Thiefoworld for awarding it :)
I look forward to my inbox swelling with the new watchers, comments and favourites, pushing me to create new work to share with you all. Thank you for taking the time to view, and express your support for my art.
It means the world. Thank you.
To adventure!
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Background Environments with Asian Twist
Environment backgrounds
What I have learned
In this series I tried to maintain a colourful / slightly animated looking approach - struggled to maintain the values, focusing on the lighting and emotive feeling.
From this I can see that I need to study I'd like to learn how to render wood / stone / ground textures to a more believable degree. So more environment studies are on the cards.
Its fun an useful to thumbnail out compositions in value first to establish some ideas.
I created a specific brush for this kind of work which you can see being predominantly used in the monochromatic rough thumbnails. Great for blocking in major shapes.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Mugiwara No Luffy
Had a ton of fun creating this image and would like to paint more of the fantastic characters from the series. Slightly rushed I think I'd amend the framing and use of Luffy's Gomu Gomu attacks better either an update or in a new piece.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
DOJ-CON Experience
Exhibiting at DOJ-CON

I've been attending D-CON/DOJ-CON for all of the years it has been in operation and each year I've thought, or have been explicitly told, 'You should have a table here!' So this year marks a notch in my belt, and I decided to book the table before I was even ready for it. No matter what, BE THERE. Be present.
"Eighty percent of success is showing up. " ~ Woody AllenSurprising and quite relieving to find I wasn't as nervous as I expected while I was setting up my table, but I was still full of jittery energy without the sinking feeling. My mouth kept going uber-dry as I tried to settle into my 'totally needs a cushion' chair.
I used an A3 sketchbook to prop up my folio display in a stroke of last minute improvisation and Ak secured it to the table via gorilla tape. I was ready. Slight delay in the doors being opened, but holy shit when they finally did. The glacier of people sliding past the table, in assorted eccentric dress was amazing.
Brilliant fun followed while painting live, and while I've not livestreamed much in the past its a pretty solitary experience compared to being able to look up and into the eyes of people watching the monitor. Audience interaction became tactile as I could respond to comments/reactions in realtime, often I was inspired also by the amazing soundtracks being played by the organisers.
I began to settle after I'd sold some prints - my first one being Selling a Luffy print to a Luffy cosplayer. Easy sale!
My aim was to cover costs so I wasn't losing vital income, and to gain some new audience and in this I feel fulfilled. I spent my profits feeding my friends :D I retain a folio full of prints to use in the future which are available to buy for £5, and I carry with me the experience of the event itself.
What I've learned
- I need a larger selection of prints for people to 'browse'. 7 is too low a number. People want moar.
- People like to watch digital art being created when they don't especially understand the medium.
- The most commonly asked question of the day was 'What sort of tablet is that? :D'
- 1 day is not long enough, bring back the weekend event
- Always bring along a monitor / laptop. It kicks ass!
Many thanks to my visiting friends from Edinburgh who helped keep my company, and made the evening following the event a pleasure.
Gryffindor woolen sweater for the win!
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Doj-Con Artist's Alley
Hey folks,
I'll be exhibiting some artwork at Dundee's DOJ-CON manga and anime festival this weekend on the 13th of April, on the basement level of Dundee Union. I'll be on one of the Tables in the Artist's Alley alongside my friends from Lefay Engraving.
I'll be selling prints of digital paintings, while giving LIVE painting demos, answering questions and fulfilling commission requests. Come by and say Hi.
I'm working on some ONE PIECE artwork at the moment and you can see some of my work posted in my gallery here
Hope to see you all there!
I'll be exhibiting some artwork at Dundee's DOJ-CON manga and anime festival this weekend on the 13th of April, on the basement level of Dundee Union. I'll be on one of the Tables in the Artist's Alley alongside my friends from Lefay Engraving.
I'll be selling prints of digital paintings, while giving LIVE painting demos, answering questions and fulfilling commission requests. Come by and say Hi.
I'm working on some ONE PIECE artwork at the moment and you can see some of my work posted in my gallery here
Hope to see you all there!
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Freelance Work for Proper Games
New work update with some recent artwork for Proper Games' mobile title in development. Here's a selection of WIP environment concepts showing a variety of potential locations.
I've been working on them in batches like this as it helps me keep the scenes in context with the others.
Map / Level Select Layout Concepts showing a path through single player.
Perspective in environments is something I'm stumbling over, I found a useful vanishing point brush which has assisted me as I've yet to get to grips with photoshops' grid system. Hope you dig :3
proper games
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